The Year of The Dragon

The Dark Diviness,

Multifaceted and dynamic
An eclectic esoteric
Acute and Abundant.

And it is with great pleasure to declare 2024 has begun.
True to my authenticity and regardless of the turbulence of the new year, new me!
the truest me,
My most authentic self.
Totally and Wholey at peace.

What more could I have asked for despite spending the NY countdown and celebrations,

In all honesty as bleak as that may seem for a 25 yr. old,
I don’t regret it one bit.

My micro to macro rituals were on absolute fire!

Literally, adorning the sky with pyrotechnic artistry
That echoed and boomed.

Sounding into the distance,
Eccentrically and artistically.

In more than one way,
I welcomed myself into the new year,
Intimately acquainting with my highest self.

I took moments throughout the night to silently observe the night sky.

In all its glory and wonder as I did as a 4 yr. old full of awe and intrigued totally, truly.

In the corner of peripheral vision faint flamboyant lightning storms panged.

Striking to behold but soft and silent.

The action spoke shockwaves into the universe.

Every minute that passed revealed to me just how prolific this year continued to become.

In each passing moment,

Before my eyes,
Life proceeded to unfold.

When I say life,

I mean financially,
Career wise,
Stable foundations,
where Love bloomed.

All perfectly synchronized,

Prepared and delivered lump sum on my very own grandeurs table spread.

Our focus deadly fixated.

It was now the time to showcase what our lives works had now come too.

To finally step out of the shadows and into the spotlight together united.

The 2 podiums called our names.

Love unfolded into an ultimate power couple.

Everything that once was now longer stood in this time or place and would never take a stand ever again.

Our lives were no longer in the hooks of manifestation all the groundwork had been laid coming up to the last minute and moment of 2023.

It was fate and destiny that this would take place.

January, February and March would be the moments to take our debuts together this time.


Legends of the mix

Where the dark and light met and became grey in our love.

Our love so epic making music that was unrivalled setting the bar so high it would remain there for the next thousand years.

All of the preparation and conditioning key to the next new beginning in our lives.

Together we became the true epitome of the dragon.

As the saying goes love conquers all and, in our situation, that’s exactly what it did.

Between us nothing could jeopardize our success.

The results consistently speaking for themselves.

Our silence in the world deafening as our actions spoke louder than words.

What once seemed like mission impossible became possible and the love that was found and lost in the most unlikely of places paved the way for us to become all we were meant to be.

We are both destined to take the next courses of life together side by side.

Everything we both sought after in life now our realities.

Every odd that was ever stacked against began to play in our favor.

As a Capricorn myself January the 6th was most evident as I continued to shine brighter than any other diamond.

2024 marked some many things in my personal life because at the age of 18 I knew that I would not make it passed my 25th if I hadn’t found love or had kids.

Now as this day approached, I could proudly say I had done both!.

And today on my 26th Birthday I celebrated this achievement harder than I had celebrated anything in my life.

Because these days were always followed by Christmas and new year’s no one ever wanted to celebrate my birthday let alone went out of their way to do anything for it.

But this year was different I was totally recognized for everything I had accomplished and would continue to accomplish in the year that followed.

These pivotal moments in my life proved to me, that the universe did infact conspire in my favor.

This year would be different and if I could forecast that from the reception, I received on my 26th birthday then so be it.

Those closest to me not my family or anything more like my soul family knew what this day meant to me.

They did everything they could to pull together something for me just as I would have done for them in previous celebrations.

And honestly this day reflected it the most.

all my gangsters showed love.

whether it be from a jail cell through a phone call, pulling strings even all the way from in there.

They all showed form and showed love.

I well and truly appreciated the f==k out of them each and every single one of them.

As I mentioned earlier I found love in very hopeless places, but they all played their part in making this incredible human being that now sits and writes before you.

To all you sitting front seat,

I hope you recognize the presence of the legend in the making right in front of your very own eyes.

I sincerely hope that you all benefited from my guidance and advice let alone just my presence.

As most of all sat there and wondered what on earth is she doing, she was doing this,

Creating and masterfully setting the stage for her glorious platform.

Everything I ever did and all that I would ever do had 100% come from the purest depths of my heart even when I did not have love to give, when I had no love to give to myself.

I still chose love.

Hoping that one day I would be recognized by this trait and that it would bear fruit for me.

I grew healed and transformed right before all of their eyes.

Bloomed and blossomed into the work of art you all see today.

Through all the pain,

They witnessed me turn it into power.

So, for all you that sat there asking how the heck did she do it.

I weighed all my odds up and siphoned all irrelevance out of every situation and drama and turned it into silver linings.

I continued to treat people how they should have treated me.

Regardless of all the chaos I still cannot identify how I achieved this.

My heart, mind, body and soul were just built for it in every single way.

Those that played a part in my creation, I thank you for not treating how you should of.

Every work of art I have produced and are yet to produce comes soley from the depths of my heart therefore all this work is merely just passion.

Passionately and effortlessly,

I bring all of my creativity into full blown fruition and unleash it upon the world.

Thank you to everyone who counted me out,
you just got me paid.

Thank you to everyone that attacked me when I showed them love,
you got me paid.

Thank you for everyone that spoke ill on my name,
you got me paid.

Thank you for everyone who backed out when times get hard,
you got me paid.

So, the moral of the story you all got me paid.

So, I hope you take a few leaves out of my book to put in your own.

So that your garden grows and flourishes in ways you never thought it would.

Reality is a reflection of your intentions and since everyone thought they could take! take! take! from me then soon met with the reality of Kharma.

Yes, she will get it again, bigger and Badder then ever.

You can count on it!

And that is exactly what I have done and will continue to do.

All while long with a ring on my finger,

Love in my heart and home.

Those that I cherish the most, closer to me than ever before.

I wasn’t just abundant materially,

I was abundant because all that came from my heart was abundant and true.

I love deeply and it showed.

I was finally blessed with the love that I gave, and he understood my love,

My love had become dark after all the trauma and still somehow, he managed to love me the way I had been asking for,

For what felt like forever.

So, ask yourself what is my excuse?

Me and I,

I continue to show gratitude to all and most of all those that otherwise would have overlooked me and did.

The power lies in showing compassion to all even when they themselves may not have treated you the same.

That would be the key to all of my success,

Remaining humble,

Remembering where I came from,

All that I had been through.

Just wearing it in a way no one had ever seen before.

Most all being able to recognize it in others,

Making them feel seen and heard then leading by example.

So, this year,

The year of the Dragon has scheduled me to bounce back harder than I have ever before.

To shine brighter than I ever would have and to be totally unapologetic about it.

I decided I would be disgustingly happy and be so unapologetic about it, simple.

No questions asked just passionately bring life to all my creativity and being the reason, they come into fruition.

Acknowledging the small achievements of mine only helps to empower myself more than ever before.

It meant being the leader that I wish I had.

As cold shouldered as it may seem at times,

They will soon learn why it all had to be this year.

This year I vowed to choose myself,

And what made me happy.

I vowed that I would go for everything I ever had dreamed of doing.

Now the clarity was so high definition it was practically laid out for me.

The universe always delivered threefold.

I promised myself that I would 100% show up and show out in everything I attempted no matter what that might be.

I oathed to challenge myself into changing all of my habits and unleashing the machine I never knew I could be let alone would be.

I pledged to showcase all my talents and prove to myself how incredible I am,

For all that downplayed my quirks to show them exactly what was up!

I committed 100% to myself,

And knew I was entirely capable of pulling this all off.

So as math’s and astrology would have this year 2+0+2+4 =8 … 8 being the number of abundances,

Aswell as being matched with the Chinese year of the dragon this meant that this would be my most monumental season yet.

Last year I was literally called the dragon girl because everything I owned had the mark of the dragon on it.

As time will show you,

It was all for obvious reason! well it was obvious to me any way.

I have a fire in my belly that only I could quench by acting upon my art.

I hope that my update found you in good health,

And began to kickstart your new year.

I wish that all endeavors we decide to undertake are successful in every way for myself and for all.

It is now time to show the world what this black dragon is made of, so I hope you are all ready to see me do what I do best because I know I do it so well.

So, let’s get it cracking with a genuine hiss, roar, sizzle, pop, bang that the annual new year’s fireworks festivities bring.

And ensure we all pop off in our own ways.

Mark my words tis is the year of the Dragon.

Bringing you nothing but the best of both worlds.

Yours Truly,
The Dark Diviness.

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