The Next Episode

The Dark Diviness,

Mystical Madness,
Mesmerizing Mystique!
Old soul, just as an antique!

Yes this is…..The Next episode!
And NO I did not forget about DRE!

The Dark Diviness….

A 26-year-old go getter!

A practicing alchemist!

The face of the New Era!

The Year of the Dragon!

It was time to step away from everybody and to take time out to focus on the bigger picture that was at hand!

NOW more than ever before.

This was, so that I may receive clarity and guidance from going with in myself.

After all I had all the tools and answers inside of me.


It was time to cut everyone off and to walk away from all the gatekeeper’s, ill-wishers and frenemies posing to be for me.

When really they were, using my energy!

To duplicate! and play as a copycat version of Me!

Hell! NAH!!!

It was time to leave them in the dust and for the Universe to take care of their Kharma.

It most definitely was being personalized, tailormade and custom fit!

It requires so much energy to remain focused, protect your energy let alone wield it accordingly.

As others judged and critiqued my finesse, I was just steady focused on producing my sought after results.

It had been so long, Afterall!

I always found that I performed better under pressure that’s how I left everyone in the lurch.

Every action was flawless especially under such time restraints.

In order to receive the things, we long for the most sacrifices as such were 100 percent necessary and it was also necessary in order to make way new things and leave everything and everyone behind that no longer aligned with my frequency and leaving them in their place.

That would be, in the dust!

Yes, it takes a lot of discipline, yes it takes doing something that everybody told you wouldn’t do and turning it into something extravagant and new.

A.K.A; Forecasting as I like to call it!

It means not allowing negativity to seep and then shaking it off.

At the first sight and whiff but this is exactly what I was built to do.

With lots of travel on the horizon it was time to secure what I had already attained and to have my sights set on a broader understanding of where my future would be taking me.

This time round,

No one or thing would be getting in my way because I was stronger, smarter and more tactful than EVER!

Survival mode was dead and gone and I began to live each day for what it was and making sure to notice the silver linings, signs and synchronicities that each would present.

This was my time to shine and prove everybody wrong!

It was time to get up out of bed and to make the impossible possible.

Once and for ALL!

With a mindset somewhat like Alice in Wonderland, it became possible.

Using sheer willpower, I would be my mightiest weapon yet.

My determination and emotional resilience would secure my manifestations in my own bag.

After being told not to put all my eggs into the one basket I responded with “They are all in one basket”.

“They are all in mine.”

Others’ perceptions and opinions that were sent to try and throw me off course, failed!

My intuition and gifts proved too powerful.

Time and Time again!

This was time, to actually experience just how potently powerful I truly was.

And to have every particle of it fill my body with new exhilarating sensations.

Out with the old and in with the new, as they say!

It was time to embrace change openly and freely.

Finding out that there was a better way to wait, by moving forward and continuing to live my life helped my blessings to roll in, quick as hell.

Minding my own business and standing on business always!

Ten toes down,

Riding or dying for myself … Absolutely!

It could sometimes become difficult to be patient and work through a lot of inner wounds to heal my inner child.

I began glowing!

More and more!

My smile became wider and wider.

I was attracting everything that was meant for me and sent for me.

It was time to get out of my big dawg energy,

Change my perspective and strive to shift into my new energy and timeline by controlling and utilizing the way my mind would process each thought.!

No more Survival Mode!
No more Masculine Energy for me!

For NOW!… anyways that’s for sure!

Waking up out of the vulnerable energy.

I now refused to see my glass the way that it felt, therefore changing my own trajectory.


Thinking about everything I was experiencing, changed my own game and bought me so much more abundance.

Each day I am gaining more and more of my life back, not allowing life to suck the creativity out of me.

And definitely, no more stagnant energy.

No more feeling defeated!

Refusing to tap out!

I kept on swinging and everybody else tapped out!

Literally, on the damn count.

My zest for life continued to return,

Life just kept lifting.

Now I began to transform from life to living.

Submitting myself as a vessel.

Following instruction as you can see.

After closing many doors, many more began to open.

In particular the one door that could never be closed presented itself to me.

I kept moving forward to make my way through the portal.

Not letting anyone steal joy.

The first new moon of 2024 arrived, which meant that resolution began to call.

This was the perfect time to start trying and doing new things.

New Moons supported new beginnings.

My meticulous dedication to my ambition and desires continued to drive me to bringing them all to fruition.

Of course, due to me being a Capricorn in Capricorn season these qualities deemed especially fit to undergo the many tasks at hand.

Everything that I continued to put my mind to and energy toward at this time proved to be effective.

It was very important to harness this energy to the best of my abilities at this time considering that this was literally my time and all aspects of it played into my corner like a dream.


Moving in silence was at high priority at this time which meant that even to those closest to me I appeared more secretive, but for good reason of course.

No longer would I allow the energy or opinions of others even my family to obscure my progress or success.

By this time, I had become an old hand at this and my refusal to allow others negativity to taint my visions was absolutely imperative.

Only I could see what I could see.

Let alone the actions to take that would be befitting for my future.

And if no one else could understand it, even if they tried then I would have to make them see it with all of my incredible results.

It was not enough for me to just be alive and breathing even though I am deeply thankful but if I were to find that zest.

I had craved for so long I would have to adapt to the changes that stood directly in front of me.

Whispering to be embraced.

After so long, it can be difficult to combat the barriers that are confined to our minds, but this was a stellar opportunity to prove and test how effective it would be to change our thought processes.

All this time I had been practicing as such and I would continue to do so consistently and whole heartedly.

For instance, at first it was ever so difficult to allow love back into my life.

To even let a man get close to me. I had developed a complex that to this day I am still work my way out of.

It required him being patient with me.

My trust issues were through the night sky’s roof!

And after so long in survival mode, my independence was frightening!

And demasculinized even some of the manliest men I had met.

Classic, I want it? I go get it!

I had become so dangerously done with drawing short straws, I vowed to be self-reliant!

While motherfuckers, lazy ones at that, thought that they could bring their vampire asses and feed on my energy!

– I would tactfully move in silence to exit that situation!

And then cut them off, cold heartedly!

It meant being aware, as they thought they were masterfully attempting to steal my hard-earned blessings, gifts and manifestations.

Not sure who they thought they were kidding; manifestations are so much my thing!

They tried to ridicule me and say I was blind! – that just ended in my going straight to the bank AH HA HA HA!

While I enjoyed having the last laugh even though it was getting rather tiresome.

Unfortunately, their pride, ego and masks were ripped to shreds.

When their wishes were fulfilled!

They wanted me back on the board, then so be it!

Any last words, before I remind you why I choose not to play?

My saying used to be , the best way to play the game was to not play at all.

Quite frankly I know realise that was a limerick for all those with heart , or in my case way too much.

So I decided to switch out compassion and empathy for a highly equipped energy matcher and reflector.

How sour , that after taste must have been to get served one of your own dishes but better.

This was my time to shine and show them everything I was made of with elegance and style.

Easy , breezy , Cover Girl.

Everything they well and truly lacked, yeah it would be forgiving but it was well overdue to show them the beast that I had been keeping from them all this time.

For good reasoning now clearly highlighted.

I bet now it makes sense as to why I stepped the way I stepped with pure intentions and zero lenience to being walked all over like before.

Only a true wild card would walk willingly into their trap and play the part well and truly.

Then end up not being the one ensnared , but in the exact position u bet they thought they would be standing in.

Undeniably hands down , running fair game!

No they were praying for my standing point.

The Audacity!

I had already forecasted an effortless clean sweep.

Too Easy.

…then BOOM!

3-6-9 1-2-3….. did!

Now evident , that yes , the times have changed, checked.

Yes , the game has been changed , checked.

Had’nt y’all been listening , obviously not! Reputations.

Heavily tarnished , While my Razzle Dazzled.

It aint tricking if you got ! and boy am I damn glad I finally showed then my full house Hand , all flushes aligned.

And I still remained humble ,wasn’t cocky about it !

It was certainly clear now though that if I ever was I knew that it definitely because I knew I could be , and after a few I 100 percent should be.


Wizards , warlocks, witches! etc. collectively were certainly no match for A High Priestess/Sorceress.


All around for me and them!.

She’s an absolute Jaw Dropper and if you don’t agree im sure arrangements can be made on how to find me.

Don’t forget to check , hidden in plain sight!

The Queen of Spades was back! ,

Regardless, of how empty my Royal Flush Hand was.

Or seemed.

Done it alone, done it , broke, done it scared and 1000 percent did it all the hardest way!

And whopped out maximum results.

Hands down no review needed for how them apples tasted.

From being set-Up , to being set-up real quick!

My Cup overflowing and full.

Straight Off the bat.

No more would I be victim , to any more of the dumb-fuckery!

Because I masterfully , turned pain to passion.

My new passion being shutting that B.S right down in the snap of my finger tips.

My table was already set.

Damn straight I sat , I Ate , I enjoyed and never looked back.

So , now!

In my true triple status O.G mama energy!

Therefore, people cross your T’s and dot your I’s! Fam!

Check them calculations , then check them again!

Yes, that’s right three times.

Then double check that trajectory!

And don’t forget to compensate for some velocity!

Moral of the story, do your homework Fam!

You can be sure ! That I’ve done mine!

So for tonight, and the weekend ahead!

Yo that’s the Tea Y’all!

Bringing you nothing but the Best of Both Worlds!,…

Yours Truly,
The Dark Diviness….

Lots of Love Always!!!

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