The Next Episode

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The Dark Diviness,

Mystical Madness,
Mesmerizing Mystique!
Old soul, just as an antique!

Yes this is…..The Next episode!
And NO I did not forget about DRE!

The Dark Diviness….

A 26-year-old go getter!

A practicing alchemist!

The face of the New Era!

The Year of the Dragon!

It was time to step away from everybody and to take time out to focus on the bigger picture that was at hand!

NOW more than ever before.

This was, so that I may receive clarity and guidance from going with in myself.

After all I had all the tools and answers inside of me.


It was time to cut everyone off and to walk away from all the gatekeeper’s, ill-wishers and frenemies posing to be for me.

When really they were, using my energy!

To duplicate! and play as a copycat version of Me!

Hell! NAH!!!

It was time to leave them in the dust and for the Universe to take care of their Kharma.

It most definitely was being personalized, tailormade and custom fit!

It requires so much energy to remain focused, protect your energy let alone wield it accordingly.

As others judged and critiqued my finesse, I was just steady focused on producing my sought after results.

It had been so long, Afterall!

I always found that I performed better under pressure that’s how I left everyone in the lurch.

Every action was flawless especially under such time restraints.

In order to receive the things, we long for the most sacrifices as such were 100 percent necessary and it was also necessary in order to make way new things and leave everything and everyone behind that no longer aligned with my frequency and leaving them in their place.

That would be, in the dust!

Yes, it takes a lot of discipline, yes it takes doing something that everybody told you wouldn’t do and turning it into something extravagant and new.

A.K.A; Forecasting as I like to call it!

It means not allowing negativity to seep and then shaking it off.

At the first sight and whiff but this is exactly what I was built to do.

With lots of travel on the horizon it was time to secure what I had already attained and to have my sights set on a broader understanding of where my future would be taking me.

This time round,

No one or thing would be getting in my way because I was stronger, smarter and more tactful than EVER!

Survival mode was dead and gone and I began to live each day for what it was and making sure to notice the silver linings, signs and synchronicities that each would present.

This was my time to shine and prove everybody wrong!

It was time to get up out of bed and to make the impossible possible.

Once and for ALL!

With a mindset somewhat like Alice in Wonderland, it became possible.

Using sheer willpower, I would be my mightiest weapon yet.

My determination and emotional resilience would secure my manifestations in my own bag.

After being told not to put all my eggs into the one basket I responded with “They are all in one basket”.

“They are all in mine.”

Others’ perceptions and opinions that were sent to try and throw me off course, failed!

My intuition and gifts proved too powerful.

Time and Time again!

This was time, to actually experience just how potently powerful I truly was.

And to have every particle of it fill my body with new exhilarating sensations.

Out with the old and in with the new, as they say!

It was time to embrace change openly and freely.

Finding out that there was a better way to wait, by moving forward and continuing to live my life helped my blessings to roll in, quick as hell.

Minding my own business and standing on business always!

Ten toes down,

Riding or dying for myself … Absolutely!

It could sometimes become difficult to be patient and work through a lot of inner wounds to heal my inner child.

I began glowing!

More and more!

My smile became wider and wider.

I was attracting everything that was meant for me and sent for me.

It was time to get out of my big dawg energy,

Change my perspective and strive to shift into my new energy and timeline by controlling and utilizing the way my mind would process each thought.!

No more Survival Mode!
No more Masculine Energy for me!

For NOW!… anyways that’s for sure!

Waking up out of the vulnerable energy.

I now refused to see my glass the way that it felt, therefore changing my own trajectory.


Thinking about everything I was experiencing, changed my own game and bought me so much more abundance.

Each day I am gaining more and more of my life back, not allowing life to suck the creativity out of me.

And definitely, no more stagnant energy.

No more feeling defeated!

Refusing to tap out!

I kept on swinging and everybody else tapped out!

Literally, on the damn count.

My zest for life continued to return,

Life just kept lifting.

Now I began to transform from life to living.

Submitting myself as a vessel.

Following instruction as you can see.

After closing many doors, many more began to open.

In particular the one door that could never be closed presented itself to me.

I kept moving forward to make my way through the portal.

Not letting anyone steal joy.

The first new moon of 2024 arrived, which meant that resolution began to call.

This was the perfect time to start trying and doing new things.

New Moons supported new beginnings.

My meticulous dedication to my ambition and desires continued to drive me to bringing them all to fruition.

Of course, due to me being a Capricorn in Capricorn season these qualities deemed especially fit to undergo the many tasks at hand.

Everything that I continued to put my mind to and energy toward at this time proved to be effective.

It was very important to harness this energy to the best of my abilities at this time considering that this was literally my time and all aspects of it played into my corner like a dream.


Moving in silence was at high priority at this time which meant that even to those closest to me I appeared more secretive, but for good reason of course.

No longer would I allow the energy or opinions of others even my family to obscure my progress or success.

By this time, I had become an old hand at this and my refusal to allow others negativity to taint my visions was absolutely imperative.

Only I could see what I could see.

Let alone the actions to take that would be befitting for my future.

And if no one else could understand it, even if they tried then I would have to make them see it with all of my incredible results.

It was not enough for me to just be alive and breathing even though I am deeply thankful but if I were to find that zest.

I had craved for so long I would have to adapt to the changes that stood directly in front of me.

Whispering to be embraced.

After so long, it can be difficult to combat the barriers that are confined to our minds, but this was a stellar opportunity to prove and test how effective it would be to change our thought processes.

All this time I had been practicing as such and I would continue to do so consistently and whole heartedly.

For instance, at first it was ever so difficult to allow love back into my life.

To even let a man get close to me. I had developed a complex that to this day I am still work my way out of.

It required him being patient with me.

My trust issues were through the night sky’s roof!

And after so long in survival mode, my independence was frightening!

And demasculinized even some of the manliest men I had met.

Classic, I want it? I go get it!

I had become so dangerously done with drawing short straws, I vowed to be self-reliant!

While motherfuckers, lazy ones at that, thought that they could bring their vampire asses and feed on my energy!

– I would tactfully move in silence to exit that situation!

And then cut them off, cold heartedly!

It meant being aware, as they thought they were masterfully attempting to steal my hard-earned blessings, gifts and manifestations.

Not sure who they thought they were kidding; manifestations are so much my thing!

They tried to ridicule me and say I was blind! – that just ended in my going straight to the bank AH HA HA HA!

While I enjoyed having the last laugh even though it was getting rather tiresome.

Unfortunately, their pride, ego and masks were ripped to shreds.

When their wishes were fulfilled!

They wanted me back on the board, then so be it!

Any last words, before I remind you why I choose not to play?

My saying used to be , the best way to play the game was to not play at all.

Quite frankly I know realise that was a limerick for all those with heart , or in my case way too much.

So I decided to switch out compassion and empathy for a highly equipped energy matcher and reflector.

How sour , that after taste must have been to get served one of your own dishes but better.

This was my time to shine and show them everything I was made of with elegance and style.

Easy , breezy , Cover Girl.

Everything they well and truly lacked, yeah it would be forgiving but it was well overdue to show them the beast that I had been keeping from them all this time.

For good reasoning now clearly highlighted.

I bet now it makes sense as to why I stepped the way I stepped with pure intentions and zero lenience to being walked all over like before.

Only a true wild card would walk willingly into their trap and play the part well and truly.

Then end up not being the one ensnared , but in the exact position u bet they thought they would be standing in.

Undeniably hands down , running fair game!

No they were praying for my standing point.

The Audacity!

I had already forecasted an effortless clean sweep.

Too Easy.

…then BOOM!

3-6-9 1-2-3….. did!

Now evident , that yes , the times have changed, checked.

Yes , the game has been changed , checked.

Had’nt y’all been listening , obviously not! Reputations.

Heavily tarnished , While my Razzle Dazzled.

It aint tricking if you got ! and boy am I damn glad I finally showed then my full house Hand , all flushes aligned.

And I still remained humble ,wasn’t cocky about it !

It was certainly clear now though that if I ever was I knew that it definitely because I knew I could be , and after a few I 100 percent should be.


Wizards , warlocks, witches! etc. collectively were certainly no match for A High Priestess/Sorceress.


All around for me and them!.

She’s an absolute Jaw Dropper and if you don’t agree im sure arrangements can be made on how to find me.

Don’t forget to check , hidden in plain sight!

The Queen of Spades was back! ,

Regardless, of how empty my Royal Flush Hand was.

Or seemed.

Done it alone, done it , broke, done it scared and 1000 percent did it all the hardest way!

And whopped out maximum results.

Hands down no review needed for how them apples tasted.

From being set-Up , to being set-up real quick!

My Cup overflowing and full.

Straight Off the bat.

No more would I be victim , to any more of the dumb-fuckery!

Because I masterfully , turned pain to passion.

My new passion being shutting that B.S right down in the snap of my finger tips.

My table was already set.

Damn straight I sat , I Ate , I enjoyed and never looked back.

So , now!

In my true triple status O.G mama energy!

Therefore, people cross your T’s and dot your I’s! Fam!

Check them calculations , then check them again!

Yes, that’s right three times.

Then double check that trajectory!

And don’t forget to compensate for some velocity!

Moral of the story, do your homework Fam!

You can be sure ! That I’ve done mine!

So for tonight, and the weekend ahead!

Yo that’s the Tea Y’all!

Bringing you nothing but the Best of Both Worlds!,…

Yours Truly,
The Dark Diviness….

Lots of Love Always!!!

Before the Fame


The Dark Diviness,

The Generational curse breaker,
The Go Getter
The Shadow hunter
The star seed.

If only people really understood the work,
Blood sweat and tears it took to get here.

The sacrifices I made just to sit in this seat let alone everyone else.

As much as they say “I wish, I was you” “I wish I had your life” if only they truly knew the battles I fought in the seen and unseen to get here.

Internally and externally as well as spiritually.

It meant being betrayed from everyone closest to you!

It meant being alone and combating forces entities beings and colts that really delt with the devil.

Then after all that, taking them back to teach them and guide them out of the abyss they had wished upon me just to attempt to take me out.

It meant that even though my focus definitely had to be on myself loving myself, caring for myself.

Still, I picked up and carried these weights in order to guide protect and navigate the people I loved most of all back into the light.

They conspired against me, made promises to trade off my soul! and not being able to deliver.

It meant leading by example and being more intentional, stronger,
working longer
Faster ! then i have had before,

Forgiving and not forgetting , not getting your emotions and thoughts in a twist.

not allowing external influences in.

Protecting my energy, my life literally depended on it.

I stayed heavily protected for myself and all those that I keep safe in my life!
It meant settling a status quo I knew nothing about, and making deals with the devil that I knew could effect my wellbeing and productivity in one way or another.

Then again if anyone could it was most definitely Me!

Afterall I Am a highly decorated spiritual warrior of our time.

These things people always failed to recognize but now, now I am recognized.

I bought balance to situations no one could or would mediate.

I most definitely am spiritual and highly intuitive.

I definitely was the only fit to undertake this role and position even though these people had hurt me deeply in the past.

Nobody saw me as I actually was then.
They underestimated me in every way doubted me dragged my name through the dirt.

Little did they know how incredibly Intune I was.

How incredibly gifted and talented I am.

If only they did the actual work mentally physically emotionally to sit in my seat.

The only way someone would qualify for any of this is through experience.

They meddled with things that ought not to be meddled with.

They attempted to meddle with my blessings,

They attempted to meddle with my love life.

They attempted to meddle with every part of my life that meant growth development freedom you name it,

But still I knuckled down stayed focus for the greater good!

It meant sitting in the shadows coordinating, counteracting and conducing the energy around me in order to combat these death wishes.

Like hell I was going to let them succeed

Spiritual warfare is oh so real if you believe in it or not.

The entities, they sent to take me out actually protected me!
Their ill intentions backfired lump sum, suddenly and the effects were literally horrific.

The barriers I overcame,
the virtual doors I kicked down,
the time that was taken from me.
only made me richer more abundant stronger and more and more invinsible.

To me this is what being the Dark Diviness entails, it meant following the dragon path into the new dragon year and absolutely devouring everyone and thing in my way.

All while long I was protecting those that should have protected me, building my business, reaching my goals and ultimately achieving everything I put my mind too.

The love that was found finally,
demanded me to be compassionate and patient while I undid all the damage that they had inflicted on me ,
he was a reflection of me an literally my other half he had sustained alot of toxic attacks.

These are just a small handful of the hardships I faced on my personal road to success and true wish fulfillment.

The more I glowed, the more they grew sour.
The more I blossomed, the more they attempted to disrupt my peace.
The more I loved him, the more they tried to get in the way.

In the true nature of the Capricorn that I am none of this got in my way, not now and definitely never!

My work ethic, INSANE
My cut off game, INSANE.
My intuition, on point
My love life, secured.

My long overdue comeback was so deeply personal.
That I was locked down 10x harder than fort knox
I was impenetrable.
Not because I wanted to be.
I needed to be at this time.

I pulled the greatest magic trick of all time, straight out of my own bag.

I made something out of absolutely nothing.

I woke up one day and killed 18 birds with one stone.

So, the fact that they had the audacity to even try, humored the heck out of me.

It became very clear that I wasn’t, what they said or projected I was, out of this world.

After withstanding all these tribulations, my heart and intentions remained pure.
My heart and soul, still pure
Preserved with in the vessel of my own body.

When they thought that they were teaching me lessons and apparently putting me in my place, they were taught a lesson.
They were put in their place.

Once and for all

They were so caught up on the old version of me, no one knew how educated I truly am and they f=cked around and found out,

Flipped the script, one day boom just like that.
The web that they fraudulently were weaving using my name tumbled down atop of them like a busted Jenga tower.

Manipulation no longer worked once I seen straight through the lies the deception and to be quite honest, I had done so a while ago I just hadn’t built up enough strength to pull the trigger.

My own parents, exposed.
My closest friends found out.
My enemies played themselves.

My abundance and happiness still fully intact.

I was sick and tired of being walked all over.
I took my power back and ooh did it feel so good.

I realized I had found myself a new healthy habit and addiction, taking back my power.

Everything I touched turned to gold,

Every idea I inserted my unique creative energy to, a success.

My new venture allowed me to 100% be my most authentic self.

It definitely aint tricking if you got it.
And for the first time, I finally had it.
I finally maneuvered my way tactfully, lovingly and assertively through all of the dynamics sent to throw me off course.

Being almost famous,
felt like

looked like.

smelled like.

seemed like.

Despite the mayhem,

I micromanaged everything effectively so efficiently it shocked everyone.

This was the most exhilarating feeling ever,

Having gratitude’s for all the wonderful things that suddenly poured into my life all limits exceeded.

I had become so accustomed to having my back against the wall,

Being pushed in the corner enabled me to have the tactfulness required to play my hand at just the right time with full houses.

I played my part, flawlessly.

Acted upon the right things,

Loved whole heartedly.

Remained open to receiving.

And exiting at the perfect time.

The wild goose chase was sensed from a mile away.

Black magic had traces that made their ploys foreseeable from a mile away.

Staying silent didn’t mean I was stupid,

It meant allowing others to reveal their true color’s.

Each time I Did this it created a ripple effect and a sudden onset of insecurities.

which I never intended to be intentional that just seemed to be the way it always was and had been.

My mark was left,

Others now saw how loyal I am.

How compassionate I am.

How resilient I am.

And how tactfully sharp and accurate my sniper shot manifestation aim had become.

Through this all my true colors always radiant and glistening.

Armored in black.

Leading by example and walking through the valley of the shadow of death like I absolutely owned it.

From the comfort of darkness, I had somehow, learned and taught myself to shine so bright it was blinding.

I worked hard, played harder.

I never took no for an answer.

If I wanted something I got, because I worked for it.

Ever heard the saying do the mahi get the treats.

Well, I was on the whole other level and this time nothing was to get in my way!

My insatiable appetite for knowledge and brain training bought me to the plate faster than I thought.

I was thankful, excited not to mention scared.

It was finally time to take the reins with the power.

In order for this all to be successful,

Change would have to be welcomed with open arms.

Nobody ever talks about these moments in time only the ones that seem significant after success.

Hence why it is being recognized now, by me any way.

It most definitely deserves to be there.

It meant being misunderstood, no one ever understands genius.

Especially when it’s in the making!

As I sit here writing about it today,

I announce that it is finally time to make my long overdue debut.

So, buckle up world,

Shes bold,

Shes bright,

Shes fearless

and she is the Black Dragon of the year.

From a black sheep to under dog!

So, stay tuned.

The best is yet to come!!

Bringing together the best of both worlds in absolute abundance.

Through the good the bad the ugly!!!

She rode the storm all the way home…. can you?

Yours Truly,
The Dark Diviness

The Year of The Dragon

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The Dark Diviness,

Multifaceted and dynamic
An eclectic esoteric
Acute and Abundant.

And it is with great pleasure to declare 2024 has begun.
True to my authenticity and regardless of the turbulence of the new year, new me!
the truest me,
My most authentic self.
Totally and Wholey at peace.

What more could I have asked for despite spending the NY countdown and celebrations,

In all honesty as bleak as that may seem for a 25 yr. old,
I don’t regret it one bit.

My micro to macro rituals were on absolute fire!

Literally, adorning the sky with pyrotechnic artistry
That echoed and boomed.

Sounding into the distance,
Eccentrically and artistically.

In more than one way,
I welcomed myself into the new year,
Intimately acquainting with my highest self.

I took moments throughout the night to silently observe the night sky.

In all its glory and wonder as I did as a 4 yr. old full of awe and intrigued totally, truly.

In the corner of peripheral vision faint flamboyant lightning storms panged.

Striking to behold but soft and silent.

The action spoke shockwaves into the universe.

Every minute that passed revealed to me just how prolific this year continued to become.

In each passing moment,

Before my eyes,
Life proceeded to unfold.

When I say life,

I mean financially,
Career wise,
Stable foundations,
where Love bloomed.

All perfectly synchronized,

Prepared and delivered lump sum on my very own grandeurs table spread.

Our focus deadly fixated.

It was now the time to showcase what our lives works had now come too.

To finally step out of the shadows and into the spotlight together united.

The 2 podiums called our names.

Love unfolded into an ultimate power couple.

Everything that once was now longer stood in this time or place and would never take a stand ever again.

Our lives were no longer in the hooks of manifestation all the groundwork had been laid coming up to the last minute and moment of 2023.

It was fate and destiny that this would take place.

January, February and March would be the moments to take our debuts together this time.


Legends of the mix

Where the dark and light met and became grey in our love.

Our love so epic making music that was unrivalled setting the bar so high it would remain there for the next thousand years.

All of the preparation and conditioning key to the next new beginning in our lives.

Together we became the true epitome of the dragon.

As the saying goes love conquers all and, in our situation, that’s exactly what it did.

Between us nothing could jeopardize our success.

The results consistently speaking for themselves.

Our silence in the world deafening as our actions spoke louder than words.

What once seemed like mission impossible became possible and the love that was found and lost in the most unlikely of places paved the way for us to become all we were meant to be.

We are both destined to take the next courses of life together side by side.

Everything we both sought after in life now our realities.

Every odd that was ever stacked against began to play in our favor.

As a Capricorn myself January the 6th was most evident as I continued to shine brighter than any other diamond.

2024 marked some many things in my personal life because at the age of 18 I knew that I would not make it passed my 25th if I hadn’t found love or had kids.

Now as this day approached, I could proudly say I had done both!.

And today on my 26th Birthday I celebrated this achievement harder than I had celebrated anything in my life.

Because these days were always followed by Christmas and new year’s no one ever wanted to celebrate my birthday let alone went out of their way to do anything for it.

But this year was different I was totally recognized for everything I had accomplished and would continue to accomplish in the year that followed.

These pivotal moments in my life proved to me, that the universe did infact conspire in my favor.

This year would be different and if I could forecast that from the reception, I received on my 26th birthday then so be it.

Those closest to me not my family or anything more like my soul family knew what this day meant to me.

They did everything they could to pull together something for me just as I would have done for them in previous celebrations.

And honestly this day reflected it the most.

all my gangsters showed love.

whether it be from a jail cell through a phone call, pulling strings even all the way from in there.

They all showed form and showed love.

I well and truly appreciated the f==k out of them each and every single one of them.

As I mentioned earlier I found love in very hopeless places, but they all played their part in making this incredible human being that now sits and writes before you.

To all you sitting front seat,

I hope you recognize the presence of the legend in the making right in front of your very own eyes.

I sincerely hope that you all benefited from my guidance and advice let alone just my presence.

As most of all sat there and wondered what on earth is she doing, she was doing this,

Creating and masterfully setting the stage for her glorious platform.

Everything I ever did and all that I would ever do had 100% come from the purest depths of my heart even when I did not have love to give, when I had no love to give to myself.

I still chose love.

Hoping that one day I would be recognized by this trait and that it would bear fruit for me.

I grew healed and transformed right before all of their eyes.

Bloomed and blossomed into the work of art you all see today.

Through all the pain,

They witnessed me turn it into power.

So, for all you that sat there asking how the heck did she do it.

I weighed all my odds up and siphoned all irrelevance out of every situation and drama and turned it into silver linings.

I continued to treat people how they should have treated me.

Regardless of all the chaos I still cannot identify how I achieved this.

My heart, mind, body and soul were just built for it in every single way.

Those that played a part in my creation, I thank you for not treating how you should of.

Every work of art I have produced and are yet to produce comes soley from the depths of my heart therefore all this work is merely just passion.

Passionately and effortlessly,

I bring all of my creativity into full blown fruition and unleash it upon the world.

Thank you to everyone who counted me out,
you just got me paid.

Thank you to everyone that attacked me when I showed them love,
you got me paid.

Thank you for everyone that spoke ill on my name,
you got me paid.

Thank you for everyone who backed out when times get hard,
you got me paid.

So, the moral of the story you all got me paid.

So, I hope you take a few leaves out of my book to put in your own.

So that your garden grows and flourishes in ways you never thought it would.

Reality is a reflection of your intentions and since everyone thought they could take! take! take! from me then soon met with the reality of Kharma.

Yes, she will get it again, bigger and Badder then ever.

You can count on it!

And that is exactly what I have done and will continue to do.

All while long with a ring on my finger,

Love in my heart and home.

Those that I cherish the most, closer to me than ever before.

I wasn’t just abundant materially,

I was abundant because all that came from my heart was abundant and true.

I love deeply and it showed.

I was finally blessed with the love that I gave, and he understood my love,

My love had become dark after all the trauma and still somehow, he managed to love me the way I had been asking for,

For what felt like forever.

So, ask yourself what is my excuse?

Me and I,

I continue to show gratitude to all and most of all those that otherwise would have overlooked me and did.

The power lies in showing compassion to all even when they themselves may not have treated you the same.

That would be the key to all of my success,

Remaining humble,

Remembering where I came from,

All that I had been through.

Just wearing it in a way no one had ever seen before.

Most all being able to recognize it in others,

Making them feel seen and heard then leading by example.

So, this year,

The year of the Dragon has scheduled me to bounce back harder than I have ever before.

To shine brighter than I ever would have and to be totally unapologetic about it.

I decided I would be disgustingly happy and be so unapologetic about it, simple.

No questions asked just passionately bring life to all my creativity and being the reason, they come into fruition.

Acknowledging the small achievements of mine only helps to empower myself more than ever before.

It meant being the leader that I wish I had.

As cold shouldered as it may seem at times,

They will soon learn why it all had to be this year.

This year I vowed to choose myself,

And what made me happy.

I vowed that I would go for everything I ever had dreamed of doing.

Now the clarity was so high definition it was practically laid out for me.

The universe always delivered threefold.

I promised myself that I would 100% show up and show out in everything I attempted no matter what that might be.

I oathed to challenge myself into changing all of my habits and unleashing the machine I never knew I could be let alone would be.

I pledged to showcase all my talents and prove to myself how incredible I am,

For all that downplayed my quirks to show them exactly what was up!

I committed 100% to myself,

And knew I was entirely capable of pulling this all off.

So as math’s and astrology would have this year 2+0+2+4 =8 … 8 being the number of abundances,

Aswell as being matched with the Chinese year of the dragon this meant that this would be my most monumental season yet.

Last year I was literally called the dragon girl because everything I owned had the mark of the dragon on it.

As time will show you,

It was all for obvious reason! well it was obvious to me any way.

I have a fire in my belly that only I could quench by acting upon my art.

I hope that my update found you in good health,

And began to kickstart your new year.

I wish that all endeavors we decide to undertake are successful in every way for myself and for all.

It is now time to show the world what this black dragon is made of, so I hope you are all ready to see me do what I do best because I know I do it so well.

So, let’s get it cracking with a genuine hiss, roar, sizzle, pop, bang that the annual new year’s fireworks festivities bring.

And ensure we all pop off in our own ways.

Mark my words tis is the year of the Dragon.

Bringing you nothing but the best of both worlds.

Yours Truly,
The Dark Diviness.

Millennial Milestone.


The Dark Diviness……

What even is that? never heard of it.

It’s actually who is that? … she is a 25-year-old go-getter

I promise you will not want to put her book down.

She is Me as I am she,

I would describe my exterior to be adorned in excessive amounts of black and of course can’t forget the tasteful dashes of silver slithers.

Everything I own or acquire myself are ALL black.

My hair -dyed black,
my lipstick choice currently is black,
my pedicure -black,
my clothes yes are all black,
so, I am sure you get the picture.
All black everything


Before you start assuming she must be “emo” or one of those dark depressing “goths” (no offence to all you magnificent human beings however) it would actually be very far from it.

This Dark Diviness,

Is a redefined warrior,
a Goddess,
a mother,
a lover and when necessary,
The most fierce and formidable protector around.

You see, my diverse…
… life experience even though still “young” has felt like a torturous punishment only to become preparation for my MOST EPIC chapter yet!

I almost always felt fully immersed in darkness not literally but 100% mentally,
I lead an ultimately lonely life.
Always have.
All whilst juggling a childhood,
becoming a Parent,
A relationship,
Adulthood, you name it.

These gloomy moments were the catalyst for the wild card character that you have begun to read about today.

This is not a journal of my challenges,
But an account of my experiences encouraging others to heal and conquer in similar ways that I have.

I maybe only 25,
Yes, but my heart is wise and my mind now, Samurai.

I am absolutely over the moon to announce and reveal to the world the wisdom,


Creativity and empowerment that I have gained throughout my journey.

I started blogging in an effort to start publishing my works, thoughts, visions etc. to anyone interested.

I write to unleash my inner thoughts and feelings…. with a twist of course,
Instead of bleeding unrequited love all over the pages I decided to recreate those same thoughts.

Feelings even details that I could not shake,

Into power.

Those little smells,
Snippets of memories,
Unwanted reminders,
Emotions that caused me much heart ache eventually became kick ass poetry.

I simply changed the narrative,

Flipped the feeling and suddenly that thing that I couldn’t get off my mind,

That had been bothering me for quite some time,

Unnecessarily bringing me down … became an energetic, uplifting, positive evoking metaphor.

The more I wrote the better I felt,

The more I shared my writing with others the more my confidence and self-esteem grew.

I eventually discovered healthier ways of processing dark dismal thoughts and emotions by rearranging them to produce a self-empowering tool.

I could utilize this to kickstart then boost my healing.

Gradually developing my own methods to do so.

Every day, intentions became my new religion and rituals.
What was once heavy, became light!

Then nonexistent.

First and foremost,
BOUNDARIES- keep them high then raise them higher.

I began to notice my price continued to increase.

The deeper I dove inside myself,
The more beautiful all of my pain looked.

Don’t allow others reaction and feelings to affect you,
and especially YOUR PEACE.

The more that slides, the easier you are disrespected.

Take care, however and take time to find your own flow and balance when it comes to these situations.

This took me quite a while to get the hang of because I needed to let go of my own fears and limiting beliefs in order to receive what was already mine.

SCRIPTING- is an incredibly clever method that I used ALOT.
You can use almost ANYTHING! – with a little bit of creativity.

It is fairly simple,
Be direct with intention worded in positive past tenses.

I always enjoyed writing my own forecast in a daily planner whether it was writing tactfully or using symbols, stickers whatever was on hand.

The more Incognito the better. Custom-fit!

These simple practices helped me manifest all that my life is today and the future ahead.

I became so adept with my use of words,

I combined the energy of a written book,
pamphlets anything that had a passage of words on it.

I would then in my own way,
manifest my own desires by underlining, circling and cubing particular words to re-write future reality in my favor.

By removing negativity and re-arranging Gorey scenes to create different outcomes and scenarios.

From start to finish.

I would challenge myself with any reading material I could lay hands on.

My imagination, pure genius!

Little did I know I was alchemizing words,
Fine tuning another one of my greatest talents,


By simply rearranging the ingredients of say a novel or paragraph I figured out that my micro to macros were on point.

If I was doing this with literature, I was obviously doing this on some other level maybe even levels.

By treating my emotions and even thoughts in the same way I was shifting my reality into my most preferred results.
And no one thought anything of it.

Without much effort at all I found the answers,
it just came naturally.

I started paying more attention and taking note of the quirky little things I did,
Every single one of them
My unique skill set, and interests meant that I was drawn to certain things no one else was.

It meant that I found myself doing things at random,
Then later, figuring out why.

Turns out they were my body’s natural responses,
I am magnetic to these things even though intentionally I was totally unaware.

Once bought to my attention,
I became more and more aware that I would have to start to do things with intention and lots of it.

Lunatics like him had been in spiritual warfare for almost 50 years.
They understood the ins and outs.
Then there was me just having a laugh.

I would quickly have to get the hang of all this, NOW!
Things felt tense,
Which meant that they were attempting to close in on me,
Yet again!
I could feel it.
This time I was AWARE.

Before then I never really noticed I had these gifts,

I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness which meant I didn’t explore any of this stuff, not ever.

Better late than never I suppose,
I would be learning things backwards, as per usual.

Back to front – front to back – Ins and outs.

Everyone had been ahead of me all this time, apparently it was easy.

I always had an odd way of processing information,

Right now, it was, CRITICAL.
But hey! No pressure! no diamond.

I began paying attention to everything around me the signs,

I realized the answers had literally been right in front of me.
The conversations,
Ads, any audio around me seemed to speak what I was thinking or feeling or yet to happen – with their 2 cents added sometimes too.

I took note of the numbers and their meanings.

Where and when I had seen them.

The damn devils in the detail alright, colors, symbols, placement everything had a meaning and purpose.

Definitions that had been sitting in my memory bank and where I keep all my random facts.

Suddenly I understood what they all meant.


My own very unique way of looking at things beneficial to interpreting the significance of each component.

I was unlocking more and more of my mind.

Gifts then learning to use them all in one hit.

Deciphering cryptic clues around me was only the beginning and the easiest.

My eye for detail made that light work.

Regulating my emotions correctly was the most difficult part.

Let alone aligning them with my thoughts.

Then, I learned actually how powerful emotion is especially out of love.

It was translated to me through that of “The Lunatic” driving my car according to what I was throwing out his own philosophy.

These dangerous conditions meant that I would quickly have to get a grip we were almost maxing the speedo out without any signs of slowing or stopping.

Until I could manage it enough this crazy sh*t continued.

I’d have to run before. I could walk or crawl,
They meant business.


I managed to adjust correctly. Phewww!!
Still in for the count.

It was situations like this, that required 100% ultimate protection.

Hence, why black gave me so much comfort.

I grew more and more clothed in black.
For obvious reasons now.
My life regularly put on the line – right down to the wire.

I always felt safer,
as if I were wearing inconspicuous Armour or something.

(began transforming into something kind of like Wednesday Addams- so they used to tell me)

Then I found out black is the color literally of protection is has many things associated with it -like death as you read above but it does serve many more uses.

You know, even though I endured all these ordeals I still remained compassionate,

I still preserved an absolute pure heart.

Funny enough, I’m Proud of me.
To say the, least that I had the strength and reflexes to stay afloat.

I also realized every so called “outburst” or “episode” that inevitably would happen I was only protecting my inner child.

I would just have to be more mindful and consistent.

As he had explained to me when I react like this it created precise ripple effects,
very destructive ones

I’d have to learn the lessons, On the GO1

I would have to learn to change its tune. ASAP

It was not so long ago that I realized that I had such an incredible heart.

All those years of being conditioned,
Groomed and manipulated in to being powerless.

Ever since I could remember really – that feeling unfortunately became normal!

And was considerably difficult to overcome.

My recipe to turning pain into power!

Had sprung from the depths of my heartache,
And trauma and life-threatening behavior as mentioned above.

In accordance with every personal demon, I have devoured.
I am still super grateful for the breath in my lungs,
The blood in my veins, the MOST!

Bringing you the absolute best of both worlds. Just normalizing duality – like yin and yang!
Till next time

Yours Truly
The Dark Diviness.


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The Dark Diviness ,

What even is that?
or should I say who even is that?
I promise you will not want to put HER, yes, I said her! book down.
This is total non-fiction and is in fact a rather detailed account of my 25 years of life to date.

Leave negative judgement at your own front door.

There is a lot of factors that contribute to making me the Dark Divine-ess that I am today. 
You will be an absolute awe when you come to terms with the magnitude of pain that has been endured to become the masterpiece that I can proudly claim to be today.

As per the photos attached to this post you can see that that from head to toe my body is adorned in nothing but jet black.
The reason being – number #1 dark, like my soul- number #2, it is the color of protection and banishing negative energy.
It is a color that absorbs all negativity around you.
Then it’s your will that brings the rest of the magic into action.

This is where my unique recipe of transmuting all this energy into, nothing but power.
From pain to power! from darkness to light!
As the saying goes looks can be deceiving but I’m sure that these pictures encompass all that is dark and light about me.

This photo was taken 2-3 weeks before I was incarcerated, yes! incarcerated for merely exercising my rights, I was on the brink of my major breakthrough only for it to be delayed by the will of our, in just, justice system. But yet she still stands and will continue to do so forever more!

Whilst been imprisoned for making myself a life and keep my strong mind afloat.
Even if it would kill me.
You can imagine how this effected my wellbeing, however the lessons I learned during this time were absolutely priceless.
In all my most challenging moments, emotionally and mentally, the lesson learned was that I could not change the reaction of others only the how I reacted.

This wisdom was absolutely required for the next few stages and challenges that my life would present.
Weeks after my release I was unlawfully arrested again!
This time in the middle of Queen St., Auckland
.. I was asked the following question, do you mind if we have a look through your vehicle? to which my response was, yes, I do!

I started my car quickly and drove away calmly not in the manner of intending high pursuit.
They tried to apprehend me at the top of Queen St. a major intersection. 
This I evaded like an absolute boss my quick reflexes kicked in and, in that moment, I was safe and secured for the next five minutes that followed.
As I tailed a bus that was in transit straight up the middle of Queen St., road spikes were tossed to no avail.
As I approached a four-way intersection I was bombarded by multiple police vehicles.

Every single thought every touchy emotion surged through my body I knew exactly what would happen.
I braced myself and remained poised.
I knew I’d have to be for what would follow this terrifying moment.

My car was suddenly surrounded in Police, I recall looking back towards my right shoulder, quickly registering all 5 windows being attacked at full force.
The expressions on all their faces – pure satisfaction the angry kind, as my passenger and driver’s window simultaneously shattered. My windscreen still being attacked violently.

They brutally restrained my right arm and twisting my whole body towards the other window.
Pointing pepper spray at me yelling “Hurry up! and get out of the car!!!”
What looked like 20 officers in total, surrounding me all looked at me with a bloody thirsty glare.

At this point the entire front seat was absolutely covered in shattered glass.
All through my hair in my gumboots, on the seats as I am abruptly shoved out the passenger’s side.
Slammed on to the ground.
“C.N.R’d” as they say.
Handcuffed yanked up and smashed into the back seat of a police vehicle.
Supple enough not to be injured.

I admire my composure in these intense moments, judging by all their facial expressions it was internally and externally taking place in slow motion.
I stayed absolutely calm, showed no signs of panic nor shock! and sat relaxed as possible with a somewhat vacant expression.
Taking notes of their responses.
The cuffs cold and stiff around my wrists, up my back.
With the chaotic environment blocked out of all senses, except my sight.

All went silent, the quicker it took place the slower the slides seemed to move in my memory.
I glanced out the window to my left and noticed it being filmed. After all it was the middle of Queen St. around 5:30pm on a Thursday.
A man gave me a hand gesture? asking if I was okay!!? to which I shook my head in response affirmatively.
I had faith, that I would be after all this drama.
I had become accustomed to these sorts of things sustaining as little harm as possible.

I was arrested and in custody.
The officers entered the vehicle and quickly drive off.
My focus set on my smashed up, abandoned car.
The last thing I had my sight set on as we exited the scene swiftly.
I remained freakishly silent as I was taunted and mocked, all the way to the station.
Their vulgar reactions unfazed me, their remarks bouncing right back at them.

I said nothing.
Just observed! – repressing how proud I was of myself in this event.
Noticing how far I had come.
Surprised at myself, in the past I would have been so over-whelmed and would have felt overloaded.
I most definitely would have exploded abruptly in anger too.
It would have been way too much, but now, now I strong enough to be cool, calm and collected and present in the moment.

By the time we reached the station, the intensity had died down.
As I was put into the holding cells.
I asked humbly to see and speak to a lawyer.
To which I received no response.

Minutes later, someone I knew was dragged into the search area with an ambulance on stand by.
Something seemed way off.
He was absolutely limp.
Shell Shocking.
He was so battered, so much so he was totally unaware of my presence. He was f**ked up and still they forcefully handled him.

I was not the only one.
At this rate, there had to be more that were disgustingly mishandled as I was that day.
And to think that this as most likely a daily occurrence.
This truth, this reality irked me more and more, encounter after encounter.
More and more flaws were uncovered in front of my eyes.

Horrified at the number of flaws I witnessed.
Just like every other incident.
Reading the four slogans in that police station I was filled with a very familiar unsettling felling in my stomach.
The feeling of being victim to yet another power trip.
The hypocrisies evident left, right, up, down – directly in front of me.

Still I did not let my temper boil.
it was merely on a slow, calculated and controlled simmer as I began to imagine solutions for each possible outcome.

For the next 45 minutes, I lay on the cold concrete with my hood over my head and allowed all my pent-up emotions to fill my body.
Each new feeling giving me insightful previews of what was yet to come.

I was outraged that day to see such anger from the authorities of which are meant to keep us safe.
Safeguard us from these sorts of things.
I had seen some pretty gnarly stuff but this day, this day was by far the most defining.

As my life had its fair share of these types of things just with more undesirable characters as the common person refer.
However, not once had I been subject to any incident like this in the presence of “Gangsters”.
Not once had they ever approached me in this manner.
Nor would they ever inflict this much damage towards me! – this realization bothered me the most.

You see if it were anyone else, I guarantee! they would not have reacted in the same way I did.
I had in the past been that traumatized that my body, mind and emotions seemed to not even be shaken by any of it.
I was totally numb!
Couldn’t feel a thing.

The only issue I had was being asked, do you mind if we search your vehicle?
I actually minded that a whole lot.
For the most unlikely reason.
I was not alarmed due to concerns of the content but actually because of prior incidents with the police.

Before being imprisoned some 7 months ago or so now, my vehicle was impounded and to which the “system” those left in charge had mysteriously lost my car keys.
Therefore, the penalty to replacing the keys and paying the holding price for my vehicle to be released.
And now the cost of replacing all these windows, especially without insurance.

Then I had just begun making the necessary steps to some stability, building a new foundation from scratch… AGAIN.
I was released with absolutely nothing!
Just as most of those who are released from prison.
I had to start from ground 0 -again! amongst the natural chaos of Life itself … so all of what I owned at the time was in my car.

I did not trust the Police.
Had not trusted them for quite some time now.
Ever since their involvement during my previous relationship.
My perspectives and opinions drastically changed
They had let me down many times!
As far as i was concerned they are manipulating in all the worst ways, {all those that do their job pardoned} – I felt! that I somewhat had to take a stand for the few things I still had.
+ Plus, my vehicle the only actual asset- and kind of like HOME.
It was the bare minimum to which all was impounded and withheld to my great disadvantage.

I was detained briefly.
My car was impounded.

I was released with a court date and that was absolutely it.
My sacrifice for sticking up for myself left me absolutely helpless again.

I was very familiar with this feeling!
I headed out the back door with very little direction and out into the unknown as I was not familiar of that part of Auckland.
Preparing myself for another long night.
An even longer one then usual.
At the least I grateful I wasn’t being held in custody.

As I headed back toward the city, with no phone, no money, no I.d – absolutely NOTHING!
The frustration of this dilemma began to kick in.
Once again, my lifelines felt distant maybe even nonexistent, but I knew I would survive it in the end.

As my resilience, bravery and fearlessness in this situation may denote I was not a new hand to this.
Countless times I had found myself in this predicament for various reasons.
I knew I would be alright! – eventually anyway!

Bittersweet thoughts began springing to mind.
All the good things that had taken place for me! only to be taken or delayed by ridiculousness like this in an instant.

Earlier on before I was in jail.
I was pursuing modelling and on the verge of making some exciting career developments, building a business from the ground up.
Might I also add that in my early teens I had developed a complex, because others would say “Aww! Your beautiful, you should be a model!”
Too which my mother would respond “What clay modelling!”
So, it was a momentous achievement for me.
I was facing my fears, healing my inner child wounds.

Then lost it all because I lacked security.
I didn’t have anyone I could trust.
Let alone anyone who genuinely cared enough, to even leave my stuff alone.

It was practically a free for all – $1000s and $1000s of dollars’ worth of equipment, art, materials.
Poof! gone just like that.
Into thin air.
If only I was in a position to provide myself stability.
Relying on others unfortunately for somewhere to stay.

Even though I have always seemed like my life was all together evidently it was not.
I exposed myself to the same advantageous people, the same bottom feeders, the same toxicity of pro-social connections.
This was my downfall for quite some time.
They only seen me as their next meal ticket.
Knowing that ” Oh well, she’ll just go and get it again.”
– damn opportunists!
Better described as sea gulls.

Nobody ever took into account how hard I had worked just to get the basics let alone; certain things that appeared luxurious.
Some days, there was no food.
So, id feed them – even though most times I could not afford to feed myself.
Some days basic necessities were skint, so I would provide them.
I felt as if I had too anyway.

I would always provide, provide, PROVIDE!
Sometimes providing myself with what I required knowing full well that they will just waste it.
Just because!
Id literally busted my azz to get them, I no doubt deserved it.

During my time inside, it left me feeling so unappreciated.
Violated you could even say, so much so on some days that the dark cloud that loomed overhead stayed abit longer than usual.
Still, I utilized my own set of unique skills to get through these gloomy days.

It became the longest three months on record.
I missed my daughter’s 4th birthday,
Didn’t even get to say it!
Let alone communicate for a very long time due to miss haps in the administration of number approvals and so on.

My family,
Even came to visit but because the prison takes forever to process any sort of paperwork did not get to take place.
“Uggghh!” -Another stab in the heart!
I was completely cut off from the outside world, very little next to no comfort to cling too!
I was alone!
As per usual combatting my own demons and dragons.
Fighting inner battles bigger then World War 1 and 2! put together.

Yet I still always found a way to remain somewhat happy.
Or even just to appear that way.
My ability to remain optimistic in troubled times is second to none.

This goes back quite some time! – as I acknowledge now was one of my many tools and or assets that ensured my survival and resilience.

I had this thirst to Live!
Why did it feel almost illegal to be alive!?
Let alone live?!
Why did it seem like such a hard ask?!!!
For 25 years it had been nothing but hurdle after hurdle,
Marathon after marathon!
Almost never needing!

Still, I would always bet on myself.
I would always go all in on myself.
Win or lose.
I would always fall forward.
I would always be one step better off then I was before.

If I knew then what I know now,
Obviously, the results would be different.
But I also would not have the wisdom or experience of overcoming these rifling challenges.
Back then was my day-to-day life.

I would then have to form a new plan and change my perspective.
I am able to identify why I allowed others to treat me this way?
and how to prevent it later on down the track. I had always been a people pleaser, my need to make others feel good meant that the feeling of instant validation was this cycle I had found myself in. Over and over again!

The only thing I had going for me at that time not to mention through it all was that I was always compassionate.
I was a giver rather than a receiver,
As the laws of attraction would have it that’s why it was relatively easy for me to receive.
It was just very difficult to draw these fine lines let alone begin exercising boundaries.

And like most things in my life, I learned the hard way.
Quite often the hardest way!
If no one was going to treat me with the respect I knew I deserved, then I would have to give myself the respect!
…and start being kinder to myself.

My number one priority became being more “selfish” – meaning giving more to myself rather than others.
Not being so available. Self-less was out and Self-Love and Care were in. It meant releasing old, outdated habits and replacing them with healthy and abundant routines.

I began creating my own rituals,
Living by my own routines,
Tapping more into my higher self then the mayhem around me.
My ability to detach from things,
People and situations grew more adept.
How others reacted was not my problem,
How others felt about certain things was not my problem.
My priority was taking note of how they made me feel, getting in control of my own thoughts and emotions.

As I faced all of my hardest times alone,
This became easier and easier over time because I was now committed!! 100% committed to my growth,
To my own success,
And to the prospect of living in freedom financially,
Socially and most of all happily.

All I wanted was,
My own space,
My own house,
My family re-united and happy again – it had been 2 and half years and I was still on my personal journey to finding myself and making my dreams a reality.
The simple things in life are taking for granted way too much in this day and age.
People were so selfish,
So greedy, they found pleasure in denying or preventing any of these things taking place in my life.

The only way I navigated my way through this was by having a simple beliefs system.
Always finding the silver linings in all these situations, every time another odd was stacked against me I always found a way to overcome it.

By deleting all negativity from my life, it became easier and easier to gain clarity!
It became easier and easier to trust myself rather than others selling dreams.
Then being alone didn’t seem so bad,
I realized why I had been alone my entire life and instead of never wanting to be alone I found myself wanting to be alone more AND MORE.

Only then could I be alone with my thoughts,
My feelings,
My imagination and my very own vision.
Only then were solutions arising to each issue.
This was possible because instead of taking time to fix the situation around me I began to take more interest on fixing myself.
Gratitude’s and scripting became beneficial to my new relationship with myself.

I began writing poems on how I felt because I found it difficult to voice how I felt and why?
But it was easier to give those emotions metaphorical fictions as dragons – the moon – the tide and soon enough all negative emotions had been transformed into new sensations that uplifted me rather than feeling down.

I then realized I was on a quest to empower myself – since I couldn’t rely on anyone else to do so.
I would have to do it myself just like everything else.

By now my heart was ultimately wise, Afterall this was only the tip of the iceberg!
I had already endured exceedingly large amounts of pain.
I wish I could see then that my ability to never admit defeat!
Too never give up on myself, to always get back up and keep going would be one of my most recognized talents.

Diversity as a child had taught me to stay in my own lane as they say, especially since no one really enjoyed being in my lane anyway. I have always had a knack for being the total opposite and finding enjoyment with very “different” activities to others my own age.

Only to realize later on that these were all part of my preparation, definitely not punishment.
To think and know that I have always been a Wild Flower,
In the making and never being able to see it myself till rather recently is shocking.
My self-confidence and worth had been nonexistent to me infact it was something I struggled with immensely.
I found it difficult to get out of my comfort zone let alone perform tasks that others seemed to do with ease.

One cannot fake what I have embodied because this is only gained when overcoming the darkness.
Hence my self given title, the Dark Diviness- it is she whom has overcome the Dark,
Despite every odd being stacked against her.
In all honesty I’m a “real” journalist’s field day.

I believe that all this hardship came about through karmic debt passed down through generation.
Today I can proudly say that I broke through this darkness, and I am so damn proud of myself for doing so.

From then till right now in this moment, I have focused on nothing or anyone but me!

Once upon a time, I never gave myself the recognition or acknowledgement that I do today.

The battles that I have fought and won are outstanding.

The demons that I devoured and left no crumbs.

To sum up this tip of the iceberg as I like to call it,
I share with you one of my poems.
Titled “A Heart of Gold and more” written at one of my hardest obstacles to overcome.

A heart so fearless,
and more.
Heavily jaded,
but golden and pure.
A soul so fierce,
with an eternal flame,
so colorful and raw.
All that I do timeless and bold,
a bounty so rich right down to its core.
A grip so tight,
Resilient never folding,
always assertive and sure.
My prestige the high ticket,
never could be sold nor bought,
my very own law.
A CustomBuilt character never abided by the mold,
carved with opulence stemming from wrath once galore.
A love so pure,
tempered never cold,
abundant for sure.
A legacy alchemized from persecution,
my side to be told,
updating the score.
Claiming back my power,
kept receipts on hold,
to be restored.
Boundaries enforced,
self-perseveration my priority,
disrespect scolded,
no longer ignored.
The price I have paid,
redeemed in full,
her heart the richest treasure of all.
A heart so defined,
pure gold,
solid but rough,
Rugger’d and raw.
You could not ask for anything more.

From then to now, life has but again changed.
And continues to change gradually in major ways.
My progress is my priority.
My focus.

I now look at life and all of the things that have happened with appreciation rather than negativity.
The very things sent to break me, definitely MADE me.
Along with my upbringing on the East Coast, the experience and life skills still serve me to this day.

The places I have been the people that I have met.
All taught me something in one way or another.
Good or Bad

Gifted and ambitious.
Worn many hats in my 25 years.
Believe it or not.

Do or die,
A classic,
Ride or Die Capricorn
Along with all the attributes, all the fancy bells and whistles.

A loner,
An aspiring Entrepeneur {Even though I ran and owned my own small business at the age of 15} A young woman that has dedicated her life to her own growth and development as well as that of others.

A reader, A Writer- About to launch her version of creative content.
After all these years I have finally found a way to express myself in ways that my younger self would have never imagined.

The magic of picking up a pen or pencil and unleashing over a piece of paper is totally underrated.
I implore others to live more intentionally and to become more aware of the micros to macros.
Little things eventually become big things.

Especially, since most times books and writing were my only escape from the darkness that once loomed within.
From the moment I was born, The Universe really put it on me.
Nothing that I would not grab by the horns and ride all the way home, however.
1 tough Cookie.

An only child, that longed for nothing but deep connections of love at the depth that she has always given.
And power tripped by those closest to me.
In actual fact, it is a true wonder that my sanity, heart and soul are all still intact.
I had become the ultimate money magnet for others to walk all over.

Just as Medusa was made out to be a Monster, so had I!
Everyone has hated how loud my trauma has been, yet I still wear it beautifully in its richest form.
They cannot believe that I had the audacity to take any of this sh*t lying down.
So I became that audacity.
And since they tried to make a war ground of my body, it is now my time to shoot my greatest shot and make one of all of theirs.

Not only do I do this religiously for myself.
But I do it so, my daughters do not have to endure the same battles that I have.
So that they will have the security and shelter of my umbrella.
I do it because I am an only Daughter,
A mother,
A cousin and an Aunty who wishes to leave a legacy of love despite everything that was sent to ruin me.
I do it in hope of one day finding the love that will reciprocate mine and support me while I venture into a new dawn and future with the family I always dreamed of loving.

I intend to impact others – The World with my Life Story.
Just as it has inspired me.

Please tell me what you think.
I hope you enjoy a slice of my very own homemade paradise.

Understandably this is not the easiest of times to share with the world, but it very much so seemed well overdue.

If only the world knew what it took to become the muse.

You can expect me to come back with more after all, it’s time to update the score.

For once I give myself the validation and admiration that I have never given before.
Credited to myself,
I will always come back with more.

I hope that this snippet is beneficial in helping others that face tough times and inspires them to keep their head held high.

And all judgements, analyzed wisely.

Myself of all people understand and have finally created this platform to share my wisdom with others.

I am grateful for the opportunity to showcase my past,
and Future.

So, stay tuned for what’s to come.

As I like to say, ‘Bringing you nothing but the best of both worlds.”

till next time….

Yours Truly.
The Dark Diviness